Administering and enforcing the provisions and regulations of state and federal laws, the Commissioner of Education, and the Board of Education; establishing procedures for maintaining all financial records that are required by law and policy.
Assisting the Superintendent in long-range budget development and directing the process of school funds to ensure that the district derives maximum benefits for the prudent expenditure of school dollars.
Developing the annual budget, including administering a budget control system for the district, supervising the accounting of all income and expenditures, and assuming responsibility for the receipt and expenditure of school district funds.
Supervises the Assistant Business Administrator for Operations in managing all bond and capital projects, including future projects.
Supervises the Treasurer for the completion of monthly and annual financial reports and other statistical reports.
Supervising the district’s support services including finance, facilities, transportation, food service and safety/security through the Assistant Business Administrator for Operations
Establishes procedures resulting in the effective operation of the Business Office.
Acting as the Purchasing Agent in developing and administering the bidding and quotation program of the district.
Planning, directing, and coordinating functions of all the operations efforts.
Developing and maintaining safety programs, policies, and procedures of the district.
Supervising the Assistant Business Administrator for Operations in managing the district’s construction, insurance, and energy programs
Assisting in contract negotiations.
Coordinating district operations with other educational and municipal agencies.
Overseeing and implementing professional development, supervision, and evaluation program for operations department staff.
Creating and supporting a district office environment dedicated to continuous improvement.
Fostering positive relations with all stakeholders through communication and customer service.
Supervises the maintenance of personnel records.
Maintains records of receipts and expenditures and bonded indebtedness.
Coordinates inventory and insurance functions.
Reviews and creates new purchasing procedures and policies.
Contributing member of the Districtwide School Safety Team supplying insights into the district’s lock-down and lock-out procedures.
Work in conjunction with the Security Supervisor in recruiting, supervising, and evaluating security personnel.
Work jointly with Nassau BOCES personnel to expand and maintain the district’s technology network which includes work with Cloud-Based Security, E-Rate Program, and ECF.
Bonds saving over $500K
Full conversion of financial software districtwide incorporating Absence Management & Biometric Time Recording.
Special Project – Athletic Fields and Records Storage.
Energy Performance Contract ~ Phase Two ~ Energy Savings of $15M over 15 years.
Lowered Fiscal Stress Rating from Moderate Stress to No Stress.
Established direct ACH payments with vendors & direct deposit with Medicare Reimbursement Part B for retirees.
Promoted positive cash flow during pandemic with FICA deferral.
Created a Board Agenda review system.
Initiated applications for all federal grants funding & submitted final documents for funding totaling over $20M.
Successfully managed operations and spending resulting in audits with no material weakness for seven years.